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Zoom lecture This is a Zoom lecture
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Bill Bleyer via Zoom

Learn about prominent Long Island shipwrecks in a lecture by historian, author, and retired Newsday reporter Bill Bleyer. His PowerPoint lecture will highlight maritime disasters including: the Prins Maurits, carrying colonists to what would become Delaware; HMS Culloden, wrecked at Montauk during the American Revolution; the Mexico and the Bristol, carrying immigrants during the early 1800s; the fire that destroyed the steamship Lexington in 1840 – Long Island Sound’s worst calamity; the sinking of the USS San Diego in World War I; and, the loss of the tugboat Gwendoline Steers in a 1962 winter storm.  Don’t miss this chance to add some fascinating historical knowledge to your Long Island repertoire. 

[A Zoom link will be sent to you prior to each session, typically on the day before your class and the morning of your class.  If you have any questions or need help getting online, feel free to call us at 516-480-5733 and we’ll get right back to you with assistance.] 

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About the lecturer(s)

Bill Bleyer

Bill Bleyer, a Hofstra University graduate, has taught economics and journalism there, as well as history at the naval architecture college, Webb Institute, in Glen Cove. He was also a prizewinning staff writer for Newsday for 33 years specializing in history and maritime issues before retiring in 2014 to write books and freelance for the newspaper and magazines. Bleyer is co-author, with Harrison Hunt, of Long Island and the Civil War (The History Press, 2015). He is the author of Sagamore Hill: Theodore Roosevelt’s Summer White House (The History Press, 2016); Fire Island Lighthouse: Long Island’s Welcoming Beacon (The History Press, 2017), and Long Island and the Sea: A Maritime History, (The History Press 2019); George Washington’s Long Island Spy Ring: A History and Tour Guide (The History Press, 2021), and The Sinking of the Steamboat Lexington on Long Island Sound (History Press, May 1, 2023).

Lecture Details



1 lecture(s)
Day & Time

Monday, 10:30-12 noon

Oct 21, 2024