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Thomas Fahy via Zoom

Much like Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Truman Capote’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1958) tells the retrospective story of a captivating, enigmatic, and morally problematic figure through the eyes of a nostalgic narrator. Both novels depict postwar escapism and a narcissistic youth culture that rejects middle-class values through late-night parties, drinking, and sexual freedom. Although the narrator’s relationship with Holly takes place in the early 1940s, he tells her story in 1957, and this span enables Capote to give Holly broader cultural significance. His examination of female sexuality and homosexuality makes Breakfast at Tiffany’s a radical text for the time. Placing it in the context of the 1950s also provides a valuable counterpoint to the iconic film with Audrey Hepburn. Hepburn’s Holly never strays far from middle-class values. Her pursuit of wealthy men is motivated by a desire to care for her brother, and her decision to accept her love for the narrator—to see marriage as a romantic possibility not a cage—reinforces the very messages that Capote set out to question.

LINK TO NOVEL: Breakfast at Tiffany’s

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About the lecturer(s)

Thomas Fahy

Thomas Fahy is a novelist, nonfiction writer, and professor of literature and creative writing. He has been widely acclaimed and has received awards for his numerous works of fiction and non-fiction, as well as his scholarly research. He has also published essays on everything from Paris Hilton and 1980s vampire films to the television series Stranger Things. His works have been translated into several languages, and he has been interviewed by Salon and other publications, as well as radio hosts in the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and Malaysia. He was recently a guest on the BBC radio program “Literary Pursuits” about Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood. He has also appeared in several episodes of the Spanish television series Creadores Prodigiosos. When he is not writing, Dr. Fahy performs regularly as a classical pianist and has appeared in recent concerts at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Merkin Concert Hall, and other venues in New York City. He is a fascinating and dynamic teacher who is able to bring his wide interdisciplinary knowledge to whatever the subject.

Lecture Details



2 lecture(s)
Day & Time

Tuesday, 10:00-12 noon

Nov 05, 2024
Nov 12, 2024